Thursday, September 9, 2010

iOS 4.1. The good.

VoiceOver keyboard access. Yes. You can now control VO using a bluetooth keyboard. I thought of the idea of controlling VO in iOS by using the keyboard but now that this feature is actually implemented I find it absolutely indispensable.I only wish tabbing would work too.

• Battery life. Its back to normal. Just like it was in iOS 3. No longer I am forced to enable Airplane mode to prevent the battery from draining even if on standby. A problem that Apple denied but fixed anyway.

• In Apps like MDN, Tech Crunch and DVice VO now reads the Header/ Sub-header/Date in proper order. In iOS 4.0 through 4.02 it was reading them in reverse order. Things appear to be back to normal again. Another problem that Apple did not acknowledge but fixed anyway.

• The overall experience is just snappier. No longer I'm experiencing any VO drop outs nor stutter when downloading music or applications. It performs as good (if not better) as it did with iOS 3.

• Initially got a false positive on this one but the problem with Russian TTS engine outputting bursts of loud white noise is also fixed. comrades, rejoice! Only took Apple a year to fix this one.

What can I say? Thank you Apple. I'm a happy camper. I just wish you didn't break stuff that works to begin with.

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